Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception is an action-adventure platform video game played from a third-person perspective, with the player in control of Nathan Drake. Drake has a large number of different animation sets, enabling him to react according to his surroundings. Drake is physically adept and is able to jump, sprint, climb, swim, scale narrow ledges and wall-faces to get between points, and perform other acrobatic actions. Drake can now take on opponents in more ways than before: hand-to-hand combat with multiple opponents, contextual melee attacks, and new stealth options.

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception – Playstation 3
15,000 Fr
Video trailer
- Note:
- 1GB of space on the Internal Hardisk is required
- Game is an installation on the internal Hardisk of the Playstation 3, when you buy the game we recommend you to bring your console (playstation 3 machine) at our offices or we send someone to come and install the game where you are located.