In both of God of War: Ascension‘s single-player and multiplayer elements, it is primarily a third-person video game viewed from a fixed camera perspective. Some scenes in the single-player campaign feature a first-person camera view. In single-player mode, the player controls the character Kratos in combo-based combat, platforming, and puzzle games. The enemies are an assortment of creatures, most of whom are drawn from Greek mythology, including cyclopes, cerberuses, empusas, Sirens, Gorgons, satyrs, harpies, and centaurs. Other monsters were created specifically for the game, such as the juggernauts, wraiths, and manticores. Many of the monsters also appear in the multiplayer mode. Platforming elements require the player to climb walls and ladders, jump across chasms, and slide down walls to proceed through sections of the game. The game features a variety of puzzles, ranging from simple to complex

God of War: Ascension – Playstation 3
15,000 Fr
Video trailer:
- Note:
- 35GB of space on the Internal Hardisk is required
- Game is an installation on the internal Hardisk of the Playstation 3, when you buy the game we recommend you to bring your console (playstation 3 machine) at our offices or we send someone to come and install the game where you are located.