Hot Pursuit‘s gameplay is set in the fictional Seacrest County, which is based on California, in which players can compete in several types of races. Players can compete online (except in the Wii version), which includes additional game modes such as Hot Pursuit, Interceptor and Race. The game features a new social interaction system called “Autolog”, which is a network that connects friends for head-to-head races and compares player stats for competition.
Need For Speed: Hotpursuit – Playstation 3
15,000 Fr
Video trailer:
- Note:
- 10GB of space on the Internal Hardisk is required
- Game is an installation on the internal Hardisk of the Playstation 3, when you buy the game we recommend you to bring your console (playstation 3 machine) at our offices or we send someone to come and install the game where you are located.