15,000 Fr

Video trailer:

  • Note: 
  • 5GB of space on the Internal Hardisk is required
  • Game is an installation on the internal Hardisk of the Playstation 3, when you buy the game we recommend you to bring your console (playstation 3 machine) at our offices or we send someone to come and install the game where you are located.


During play, jumping in any direction or interacting with any object while aiming at an opponent (or pressing a certain button) will slow time, creating a short window during which Tequila can shoot at targets. This technique—called Tequila Time—generates a cinematic effect that mimics Woo’s. Tequila Time is managed through a meter which drains with use and regenerates with time. Tequila can also make use of his environment, moving up and down railings, swinging from chandeliers and sliding across tabletops and riding on carts while shooting at enemies.

Another form of gameplay comes from the style and grace associated with Woo’s balletic firefights. By taking out enemies, the player earns stars. The more stylish the kills performed, the more stars received. Taking out enemies in quick succession, or interacting with the environment when taking down opponents, will earn the player the optimum number of stars. As an incentive to interact with the environment, Tequila receives a bonus to his attack power and defense during interactions.



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